ORCHARD RULES AND GENERAL SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS: Please read our new policies before you visit. More details

Dwelley Family Farms is a family owned 4th generation farm, growing in Brentwood since 1921. Dwelley Family Farms has taken great pride in offering a large variety of premium fruits and vegetables to its local and commercial customers. Brentwood’s unique microclimate of hot valley days combined with the cool coastal evening breezes creates a perfect condition for growing produce. Just on the outskirts of the metropolitan Bay Area, Dwelley Family Farms’ ideal location allows for the ability to offer the freshest of produce to this continually growing population. Best known for their sweet corn and green bean varieties, Dwelley Family Farms’ conventional and organic produce can be found at our local fruit stand or at retail outlets across the Bay Area. Sustainability has always been a primary focus of Dwelley Family Farms. Using responsible farming practices has enabled Dwelley Family Farms the ability to provide the healthiest quality and best tasting produce. It is said that for the entire Dwelley family, farming has never been just an occupation. It is a way of life!
Harvest TIme #2
Dwelley Farm Stand
September 6th & 13th weekends only
Friday - Sunday: 9:00AM-5:00PM
Phone: (925) 634-6508
Address: 515 Delta Road, Oakley, CA 94561
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Live Updates:
Harvest TIme #64
TKs Ranch
Organic U-Pick Cherries
Phone: (925) 634-6508
Address: 1454 Walnut Blvd, Brentwood CA, 94513